The prize is organized by CNRS RT MIA, GAMM-SIP and SMAI SIGMA group. It is sponsored by RT MIA and Fraunhofer ITWM.


  • 2023 : Sebastian Jonas Neumayer (Technischen Universität Berlin)
  • 2021 : Leon Bungert (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg)
  • 2018 : Emmanuel Soubiès (Université Côte d’Azur, Nice)


Art. 1 – Description

The prize is awarded to a young researcher with oustanding contribution to the field of Mathematics in Imaging. The prize is awarded every two-year and is to be presented at the occasion of the Mathematical Image Analysis (MIA) conference series. The award consists of a certificate, financial recognition of 1000 €, and a plenary talk at MIA conference. The award is attributed annually, generally to a single winner, by the PhD Thesis Award jury. The first prize has been awarded in January 2018 at MIA conference in Berlin.

Art. 2 – Conditions for application

To be considered for the award, the defense of the PhD thesis should take place between two editions of the MIA conference series. For the 2023 PhD prize, the defense should not have been before November 1st 2020. The applicants must also have carried out and defended their PhD in a French or German institution.

Art. 3 – Application

Their treatment is confidential. Applications must contain:

  • The thesis manuscript in digital format. For those who wrote their PhD in French, an extended summary of 4 pages in English must be provided.
  • A supporting letter from the PhD advisor(s). The PhD referees reviews.
  • A curriculum vitae of the student including publication list and conference presentations.

Art. 4 – Jury

A jury is selected by RT MIA and GAMM-SIP. A jury member cannot be a PhD advisor of a candidate for the award. The jury may ask for external and independent expertise when necessary. Decisions are taken by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall prevail. The jury’s decision cannot be appealed.

  • 2023: Michael Ng (University of Hong Kong), Yiqiu Dong (Technical University of Denmark), Serena Morigi (University of Bologna), Marcelo Pereyra (Heriot Watt University)
  • 2021: Coloma Ballester (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Carola Bibiane Schönlieb (University of Cambridge), Màrio Figueiredo (Tecnico Lisboa), Raymond Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong).
  • 2018: Alfred Bruckstein (Technion), Raymond Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Selim Esedoglu (University of Michigan) and Rebecca Willett (University of Wisconsin).

Organizing committee:

  • 2023: Julie Delon (Université de Paris), Michael Hintermuller (Humboldt University and WIAS Berlin, Germany), Nicolas Papadakis (CNRS, Université de Bordeaux), Kostas Papafitsoros (Queen Mary University of London), Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin)
  • 2021: Jean-François Aujol (University Bordeaux), Martin Burger (University of Munster), Albert Cohen (University Pierre et Marie Curie), Jalal Fadili (Normandy University-ENSICAEN), Gabriele Steidl (University of Keiserslautern).
  • 2018: Jean-François Aujol (University Bordeaux), Martin Burger (University of Munster), Albert Cohen (University Pierre et Marie Curie), Jalal Fadili (Normandy University-ENSICAEN), Michael Hintermuller (Humboldt-University of Berlin), Gabriel Peyré (CNRS-ENS Paris) and Gabriele Steidl (University of Keiserslautern).